Dean’s Word
About College
Academic and professional preparation of college graduates in undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields, and training them to employ their knowledge and skills in order to meet the requirements of the labor market, and raising their level of awareness of the ethics of the profession and community
Achieving quality and distinction on the map of university education in its field (Education – Scientific Research – Community Service) in light of quality and accreditation standards, and preparing graduates to compete in the labor market locally and regionally.
1- Preparing the qualitative teacher in the fields of : Art Education - Music Education - Home Economics - Educational Media - Educational Theater - Computer - Educational Technology). 2- Developing educational programs (teaching and learning methods and strategies- - teaching models and methods – evaluation) in line with the college mission. 3- Distinction of faculty members and the supporting staff of the college 4- Raising the efficiency of graduates to compete in the local and regional labor market. 5- Developing the college's graduate programs in light of quality and accreditation standards. 6- Encouraging applied and environmental research, and directing it to community service and environmental development. 7- Activating community participation in research, training and advisory services to provide new sources of financial support. 8- Making a self-evaluation of the college to meet the accreditation requirements. 9- Institutional or academic accreditation